Microsoft now has 6 types of groups! How do you know which type to use? Below are descriptions of each.
- Microsoft 365 Groups are used for collaboration between users, both inside and outside your company. They include collaboration services such as SharePoint and Planner. Microsoft Teams uses Microsoft 365 Groups for membership.
- Shared mailboxes are used when multiple people need access to the same mailbox, such as a company information or support email address.
- Distribution groups are used for sending email notifications to a group of people.
- Dynamic distribution groups are created to expedite the mass sending of email messages and other information within an organization.
- Security groups are used for granting access to resources such as SharePoint sites.
- Mail-enabled security groups are used for granting access to resources such as SharePoint, and emailing notifications to those users.
More information can be found here.
One of the big concerns will be accountability. The classic distribution group and it’s dynamic cousin do not have their own databases and therefor can not be searched independently of the members mailboxes. This also eliminates any compliance functions.